Setting Up Affiliate Links
Regular Affiliate Link
Log into your affiliate account. You'll be taken to your Dashboard. If all you want is a simple link to our homepage with your affiliate tracking info just click the copy button in the Affiliate link section. This will copy your link to your clipboard and you can use it on your web or social media pages. If you want a shorter link click the Customize button and select Shorten link and Submit. Then click Copy.

Since we put almost all our products on the homepage you may find this sufficient. How to copy the link to an html page on your website or other online portal will depend on that particular site. For instance Wordpress will be different than SquareSpace. Check the documentation for your site. Adding your links to a social media site has been automated for several of the most popular sites. Check that out by Clicking Here.
Custom Links for a Product
But what if you want to highlight a specific product? You might want to do this to maximize your commissions. Ten percent of the price of a Porta-Booth Pro® is a lot more than ten percent of our VO Baseball Cap! You might also be writing an article or blog post where one of our products might fit right in. In that case better to take them directly to the product page in question.
To do this click on the "Promotion Assets" menu item at the top of the page (or from the menu icon for mobile). The first way is to click the "Create product links" link under "Promotion Assets".

Then click "Create now". You'll get ...

Type a few letters of any product you want a custom link for. It doesn't have to be the first letters of the product. Any will do. For instance typing in "mic" will bring up not only our VO: 1-A Microphone but also other related microphone products and the MicPort Pro.

Select the one you want and it will show you the Generated link. If you want a shortened link check the "Shorten link" check box and then click the "Create" button. Your product with it's link will appear on the page. Simply click the copy icon to copy the link into your clipboard. You can then paste it into your webpage, blog or social media pages.
Image Links for a Product
If you want an image of the product for people to click on we have that covered too. Just scroll down the same page to the "Creatives" section. To use any of the image links just click on it. This will bring up a preview of the image link. Click on "Html code" to bring up the embed code to use on your site, blog etc.

Click the Copy button to copy the embed code to your clipboard. You can then embed this into your source code whereever you want this to appear. There is no need to download the image as the source to the image is included in the embed code.
However, if you want the image to reside on your own page you can do that too. Just download the image using the "Download" button and get the link by clicking "Tracking link".
We currently have a few of our best selling products set up for image links with multiple sized images. We will be adding more soon. In the meantime if you have a particular product you would like an image link for let us know. We'll get it up in a hurry for you!
If you have not yet signed up for an affiliate account Click Here to register and get your affiliate link.
If you have already registered you can access your affiliate account by Clicking Here.
If you have any questions on affiliate links (or anything else) or if you have any trouble registering or accessing your affiliate account shoot me an email to the address bellow and I will get back to you ASAP!
Warren King
webmaster and affiliate manager